Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers work to restore lost volume in certain areas of the body and enhance areas, such as the lips or cheeks by adding volume in a controlled way. A decrease in collagen is one of the biggest causes of fine lines and wrinkles and experts believe the breakdown begins when people are around 25 years old. Fillers are clear gels which consist of hyaluronic acid – a naturally occurring substance found within the skin and are used to plump out deeper lines and wrinkles. The treatment involves the injection of the gel directly into wrinkle contours. After treatment, lines and wrinkles are immediately reduced. Results will last between 6-18 months, with repeat treatments offering longer lasting results. The Fillers we use are FDA approved, CE certified and include Juvederm, Revolax & Epitique.

What Can Dermal Fillers Treat?

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